Paul says in 1 Cor. 2:9 “…the heart of man has not conceived the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” Jesus in Mt. 13:15 tells us, “For the heart of this people has become hardened, and they hear with difficulty, and their eyes are dulled…” A course of Love has told us that the time for learning has ended and the time for knowing has begun.
The world of illusion has created a story around how important it is and all that we need to know about life is there for us in the chronicles of the past, the sayings and writings of the smart people of the world and the rules and regulations that have been installed to make our cultures operate efficiently as determined by the politically elite masters.
Paul goes on to say in 1 Cor. 2:15, “The Spiritual man discerns every- thing, and yet no man can discern him.” Eric Butterworth in his book, Spiritual Economics, “The whole Universe of innate substance is centered in you. There is nothing you can do to add to that or take from it.” You are part of all that is.
What I believe all of this is telling us is that the world is an illusion run by our conditioned beliefs, past experiences, and cultural norms that we have accepted as learning. We are now asked to wake up into the reality of who we really are as an offspring of Divinity, an expression of God and a master of our own experience.
We are told that God is good and only good. Maybe there is a new way of knowing that deviates from the learning of the world. Maybe there is an inner knowing on how to access this God of good. We are opening to this inner knowing of the Christ Mind that is already there within us. Join with us as we navigate this journey back to the Father. Maybe it is just that simple.