“I am divine love in expression”.
I believe that this statement signifies a rebirth into a new state of being. A new way of being present in the world. A new way of operating in our experience of form. A new state that we call unity or union with all that is. A way that Paul tells us in Col. 3:14 will bring about the harmony and bliss that we are seeking when he says, “Above all, clothe your selves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.”
When we were born into this physical world, we had to learn the basic rules of survival that existed for us. By the time we were 4 or 5, scientists tell us that we have pretty-well determined a code of conduct and the rules we had to follow to acquire what was important to our existence. Unfortunately, very little of this programming included the basic truths we find in a spiritual path for life. The ideas of “I am divine love in expression” and “clothe yourselves with love” as codes of conduct for a successful, happy life are lost in the world’s training of anger, victimization, revenge, competition, and the other tools of the ego that override the Truth of who we are as children of God.
This wonderful Holiday season of Christmas reminds us of the birth of the Christ Consciousness into our individual awareness and then the starting over in the New Year of a new focus in life as we leave behind the old self and cultivate the new Self that helps us “clothe ourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.”
Most of us are looking for the state of joy and happiness. Here it is spelled out in simple stories that show us the way. Jesus told us that the Kingdom of Heaven was already within us. Everything that we are seeking is already available to us. It is up to us to accept that awareness for ourselves. This is the rebirth into a spiritual way of being present in the world. This is the real story of Christmas. Join us we celebrate the birth of Christ Consciousness into our new world of love in expression.