Learning to accept things in our lives as they are is the first step toward changing things. What is, is. I cannot really change things until I accept what has been created and forgive myself and others that had a hand in creating what is. Jesus tells us in Matt. 7:1, Judge not that you may not be judged. When we judge things, we ruminate over the problem, cuss and discuss the person or the event, and wind up thinking about endless ways to solve the problem and maybe even consider ways to seek revenge on others that have wronged us. Another thing that we might do is blame ourselves and count the ways that we are disappointed in ourselves and others.
If we contemplate the law of attraction as it applies to all of these modes of operation that we use to figure out what went wrong, it becomes evident that we are just recreating all of the energies that formed the original problem and possibly bringing it back into consciousness in another form in our lives. If we are really observant, we can notice the endless cycles of experiencing a problem, working through it and then experiencing a similar event later and working through that one Etc. etc. etc.
The spiritual idea that mitigates this endless cycle of problems is completion or acceptance of what is and ending all thought. Everything is perfect just as it is. There is nothing to get upset about, nothing to worry about or fear, nothing to change. It is following the guiding words of Jesus when he said in Matt 6:33, Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and everything will be added to you. Righteousness really means right thinking or Divine ideas.
This leads us to the final spiritual idea that everything that happens to us is good. It is up to us to see it in the context of learning and move on because we have learned that lesson and do not wish to experience it again.
Everything we experience is a creation of our consciousness. When events occur in our physical life, we get to see what our consciousness is radiating. When we accept what is, we are saying some form of: “hey look at that, thank you for showing it to me, I love you, please forgive me.” This opens the way for our Higher Self to create the perfect form or spiritual form that is really what we are seeking. The Kingdom of Heaven within is then able to bring the perfect pattern of the Christ Mind into our lives from God’s plan for us, not our human ego tainted plan. This Kingdom of heaven is that state in which we experience joy, harmony and love. This is the outcome we seek on our spiritual path back to the Father’s House.