We are entering the season of Lent that is celebrated in traditional Christian churches. This is a time of fasting and abstinence in these organizations for the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter.
In Unity, we do not fast or give up material things, we observe Lent by letting go of the past and abstaining from negative and critical thoughts and feelings. This allows us to move into our futures with Divine guidance unhampered by the old beliefs, upsets and patterns that have been sown in our unconscious minds by the events in our lives and the unproductive patterns picked up from family, society, TV, and other forms of communication.
We could call it a form of spring cleaning. A time to sweep out anything other than the Truth of us as a child of God. We are complete and whole just as we are. We are cleaning back through all generations of time to our origin. Each of us has been created in the image of God. The world around us has planted seeds of doubt, fear, and uncertainty on top of that perfect image that we are at a spiritual level. It is time to awaken to that perfect image that we are and claim our birthright as a Child of God.
This Spring cleaning requires us to release the past and then open to our state of Christ Consciousness that is already within us ready to go to work and support us and guide us in our daily walk.