The world has gone upside down and everything has turned around. Many people are reacting in fear to the pandemic and many aren’t really sure what they are afraid of. They have stocked up on what they believe are vital provisions and sequestered themselves until the wind blows over and the all clear signal whistle blows.
It is amazing what fear does to us as human beings. What are we really afraid of? Is it the fear of disease and death? Is it the fear of losing loved ones? Is it the fear of diminished lifestyle? Is it just a fear of the unknown and the changes that could possibly come in the future?
Many of us have been praying for peace on earth. A return to an expression of love in everyday life instead of anger and bitterness. A healing of the planet and a return to the possibility of a Garden of Eden existence for humankind.
Well guess what. Change is occurring. All around us the hallowed halls of the way we conduct life is shifting and reorienting itself. We have new patterns of life that we are being asked to consider. Maybe these are the beginnings of the new life of peace and love we have been seeking. We are being forced to act in faith for the betterment of others. We are cocooning with family and close friends. We are being forced to look at life and make decisions about values and what is important in life. The job market could be changing, forcing some of us out of dead-end jobs and into careers that make a difference for others.
This whole thing could be a tipping point that guides us into lives that make a difference in a positive way for our communities.
We think it is time to look at our lives and reconsider why we are here, what are we here to do, what is my purpose for being here and many of the life questions that we have ignored in our quest for fame, riches and glory.
It is clear that we are here for a higher purpose than the standards that our cultures have set for us. Maybe the answer is in shifting our focus to a share and love strategy in life. Maybe this is an opportunity to release strategies of anger, bitterness and competition and look at life based on helping and supporting as a strategy. Maybe the key to a happy life is not based on what I can accumulate and control. Maybe this whole issue that we are experiencing is like the flood experience of Noah. An opportunity to live a life of love and peace on purpose as we reexamine our life purpose and learn to thrive in our own Garden of Eden.