Jesus tells us in the last sentence in Luke 12:29, “Let not your mind be disturbed about these things.” He tells us earlier in this chapter that the birds of the air are taken care of and the flowers grow and thrive in the fields without toil. As children of God and joint heirs we are likewise taken care of when we relax and trust the Father within.
Over and over again throughout the Bible in one form or another it tells us to “be still,” “We will be kept in perfect peace,” “you shall not be afraid for the terror by night,” “your Father knows your needs before you ask him,” “do not worry,” “it is the Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom” and on and on with promises of safety and love.
What’s interesting about these Bible quotes is the timeline in which they occur. We could pull out quotes from Genesis through Revelation of positive, loving promises of a life lived in joy, peace and abundance. This a time period of over 3,000 years and covers writings of leaders, mystics, prophets, kings, and everyday folks. Do you think maybe the mysteries of the Universe were shared by these sages of antiquity?
Recently, a new book has arrived on the scene called “A Course of Love.” It is written by an everyday person who has shared what Spirit shared with her. Basically, it tells us that a time for learning, figuring it out, searching for answers and looking for gurus and teachers has ended and the time for knowing (direct inner knowing) has arrived.
It is time to stop worrying, chasing rainbows, looking for that one book, seminar, teacher that has the answers to life and find the knowing within our own being. Wow, that means you are the teacher, guru, seminar you have been looking for. You are the answer to the problems of life. You have the keys to the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God/Universe/life/heaven is within you. All of us and each of us is the answer to everything that we are seeking. Looks like those sages from all the decades of writing in the Bible have been trying to share that with us and we just haven’t heard it. Now we can take Jesus at his word as he shared it with us in John 14:12 that we would do even greater things than he did.
Amazing promises all through our Holy Scriptures. I believe it is time for us to wake up from the illusional dream of the ego and claim our true Divine birth right. We can do this as we follow the teachings of our Master Teacher, Jesus the Christ and follow the inner knowing guidance of our hearts.
The current situations that we are experiencing are just a blip on the radar screen of life. The radar screen tells us that all is well, God is in charge and this too shall pass.
Join with us as we learn to leave behind the fears and doubts of the ego world and find the safety, love, abundance and peace of our true spiritual world. The Kingdom of God/Heaven/Spirit/Love. And so it is or as the ancients said, “So mote it be.”