Or are you still listening to the voice of the ego’s fear and doubt? Are you ready to be done with the way things have been done and to begin in a new way to listen to a new voice, the voice of Spirit within.
Prayer is thought remembering the guidance of Spirit that is already within us showing us the way back to a state of peace harmony and wholeness. It is interesting that in times of crisis we pray in some form or manner asking something outside of us to correct what is happening to us: to make things right or straighten something out that we have bungled. Interesting that we do this automatically without thinking and then go on about life creating more things to go into crisis about.
Once again, we go back to Luke 12:32 when Jesus advised us very clearly: Be not afraid, your Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom. That means there is nothing to fear, be anxious about, worry about, doubt or even lose sleep over. God, The Father, the Christ that you are is at hand and can be trusted to come through and handle things in time of crisis. This is the spiritual step of believing, knowing and feeling that all is well and God (my inner divinity) is really there to handle it.
A thought is a prayer asking for and creating a visual context of what my mind is creating. Deep within us is the Christ Code that helps us create the visual context of love, peace, harmony, and abundance. When we worry and fret we are sending into the Universe thought visualizations of what I don’t want and overriding or eliminating the Garden of Eden lifestyle that we have inherited as a “Child of God”.
The irony is that if we just let go and stop thinking those negative thoughts, the Christ Thoughts that are already programmed within us can take over and bring us the life and love that we seek.
This process is returning to the Father’s House as described in the story of the prodigal son. It means to stop thinking, planning, and believing that we have to do something. It means to stop and return to the Father’s house by surrendering control, learning to slow down and mitigate my thought patterns through a structured prayer and meditation practice and to love everything and everyone unconditionally. This is learning a new way and new language of doing things. This means leaving the way of the ego and learning a new way of spiritual love, harmony and wholeness. This is the heaven that we are promised NOW, not in the sweet by and by.
We already have a spark of Divinity within each of us. This new way is just focusing on that spark and through prayer, cultivating that spark into the full Light of the World that Jesus promised in Matthew 5:14. You are a beacon of Love and Light.