This afternoon I realized that it was warmer outside and the sun was shining fully on our back patio. I took off my sweater, rolled up my shirt and pants and sat on a chair on the patio soaking up the benefits of the direct rays of the sun on my exposed skin for a few moments. What a wonderful experience. I am sure that I soaked up the benefits of the exposure to the sun by increasing my vitamin D levels and the other unseen benefits of the warmth and healing rays of energy from the sun.
I also realized, as I sat there, that I had to purposely expose areas of my skin and that I had to consciously move the chair to experience the direct rays of the sun, I had to sit down in the chair and take the time to quietly allow the rays of the sun to shine on my body’s skin in order to benefit from the event. The only way to benefit from the experience was to consciously sit down and take the time to bask in the benefits from the sun that were available to me only if I took the time to do it. It did not take struggle, it did not take money, it did not take overcoming fear, it did not take education. It just was available for the experiencing to anyone who made the simple effort to be in it. It was available to everyone who took the time to just sit quietly and enjoy it’s benefit.
What’s interesting to me, as I pondered this idea, was how the sun created warmth and nurturing as I sat there. Earlier in the morning, it was dark outside, the temperature was cold, and I had no interest in going onto the back patio. It was an undesirable environment because of that cold. It appears that absence of the sunshine had brought about the cold. There was not an energy called “cold”, there was only an energy called “heat” in the form of warmth created by the sunshine. So, the only thing that creates a pleasant environment on my back patio is the presence of the warmth from the sun shining. So, the unpleasant cold environment for me was created by the dark outside or the absence of the energy of light and heat from the sun.
This is a perfect metaphor for our spiritual walk. Jesus (from his Christ Presence) said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” I believe Jesus was telling me to sit quietly in the Presence of the Christ within me and allow those sublime energies of Spirit within me to bring the love, harmony, and peace that are mine, by my divine birthright, to me without struggle and toil.
Just like the sunshine I experienced on the back patio, the more I spend in the light of the Christ consciousness, the more I experience the benefits of the spiritual path in my walking around life. The Christ Consciousness is a simple energy available to everyone. All each one of us must do is open up to the Light of the Christ and let it shine quietly in our consciousness. The more we take the time to sit in that Christ Light of consciousness, the more warmth and good energies show up in our lives. If the unpleasant energies of cold like things show up, it means we are not taking the time to absorb the loving, nurturing energies of the Christ Light of our being.
I realize this is a simple formula: Spend time in the Light and experience the benefits of the Spiritual path. Love, peace, harmony, health, prosperity, and the wonderful gifts of Spirit. Spend time out of the light, worrying, obsessing, and trying to figure out the secrets of life on your own, and you wind up in the darkness of the ego’s world.
We are on the journey back to the Father’s house of Light. Join with us and help us as we learn to open to the Light of Spirit all around us. We are children learning to roll back our sleeves and pants and bask in the spiritual light of the Christ Light within. We are learning that the Kingdom is within, and it really is the Father’s good pleasure to give us that Kingdom. We just have to relax and trust.