Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that you not be judged.” In John 7:24 he says, “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement.” In John 8:15, when answering a question from the Pharisees, Jesus said, “You judge according to the flesh; but I judge no man.” These words of wisdom […]
Healing the Bridge Between the Soul and the Body
In a Course of Love, page 370, par.3.6, it affirms, “For every being there is a natural state of being that is joyful, effortless, and full of love. For every being existing in time there is also an unnatural state of being.” In the world we experience daily, the question surfaces asking, which of these […]
We Are Love in Action, Creating a New World
We are Love in action creating a new map for relationship. We are Love in action enjoying our wonderful lifestyle of prosperity and abundance. We are Love in action as we experience health and vitality in our material body. We are Spirit and the expression of divinity as we accept and nurture the Christ Light […]
Are You Sitting in the Sun?
This afternoon I realized that it was warmer outside and the sun was shining fully on our back patio. I took off my sweater, rolled up my shirt and pants and sat on a chair on the patio soaking up the benefits of the direct rays of the sun on my exposed skin for a […]
Celebrating the Universal Christ Light in Each Of Us
We will begin looking at the spiritual path that Jesus laid out for us in his ministry and teachings to reach that level of the Christ Light understanding when he said in John 14:12, “Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in […]
Birthing the Christ, One Habit Change at a Time
I discussed, the difference between staying in the awareness of what we know in walking through life, while embracing the unknown as a path to awareness, and creating the new in the world we experience. Another way of explaining this choice is: continuing to respond and live in the material world that is our current […]
What are We Creating in Our Lives?
We have just completed a major holiday in the American cultural life that we call “Thanksgiving.” A time to set aside a day of normal life and give thanks for the blessings, people, and events that we are grateful for and appreciate. The question becomes, what did we create for ourselves, our families, our friends, […]
Are You Angry That Life Hasn’t Been Fair and Nurturing?
There is a lot to be angry about in our present experience of life. Where is the comfort and harmony that I was promised in the Sunday School lessons of my childhood and the teachings of my religious training as I matured and began to live the way I was told to live? I am […]
Happy Is As Happy Does
Happy is as Happy Does is a song released by Kenney Chesney in 2020. This idea is a central focus on the path to becoming happy. We know that most folks are looking for the secret to leading a happy and fulfilling life and maybe this is the beginning of an answer. The Buddha is […]
Time to Wake Up and Trust Yourself
One of our Thursday night class members brought a new idea to me from Charles Fillmore’s book, “The Mysteries of John.” In John 2: 1-12 is the familiar story of the first miracle of Jesus when he changed the water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana. I admit that I took the story […]