We have just completed a major holiday in the American cultural life that we call “Thanksgiving.” A time to set aside a day of normal life and give thanks for the blessings, people, and events that we are grateful for and appreciate. The question becomes, what did we create for ourselves, our families, our friends, […]
Are You Angry That Life Hasn’t Been Fair and Nurturing?
There is a lot to be angry about in our present experience of life. Where is the comfort and harmony that I was promised in the Sunday School lessons of my childhood and the teachings of my religious training as I matured and began to live the way I was told to live? I am […]
Happy Is As Happy Does
Happy is as Happy Does is a song released by Kenney Chesney in 2020. This idea is a central focus on the path to becoming happy. We know that most folks are looking for the secret to leading a happy and fulfilling life and maybe this is the beginning of an answer. The Buddha is […]
Time to Wake Up and Trust Yourself
One of our Thursday night class members brought a new idea to me from Charles Fillmore’s book, “The Mysteries of John.” In John 2: 1-12 is the familiar story of the first miracle of Jesus when he changed the water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana. I admit that I took the story […]
The Solution to Life’s Issues: Choose Only Love
There is a spiritual answer to mitigating today’s problems and issues that show up in our lives. Jesus shares it with us in Matthew 5:39 when he tells us to “not resist evil.” This is a spiritual suggestion, not a religious or moral rule or commandment. What I mean by that is that this is […]
What Do We Not Know?
Interesting question that opens up a dialogue about our true nature. We know what we know, we have a pretty good idea of things that we know we don’t know and then there is that area of things that we don’t know that we don’t know. Jesus in John 14:12 clearly says: “He (she) who […]
You Meant it for Evil, but God Meant it for Good
This is a quote lifted from the famous story of Joseph and his coat of many colors found in Genesis 50:20. Joseph was talking to his ten brothers who had sold him off to a band of merchants, on their way to Egypt, for twenty pieces of silver. The whole story of Joseph begins in […]
Choose Only Love
This week I have had reasons to want to fight back at what I perceived as an injustice in my life. As I wrestled with this state of affairs and my self-righteous attitude about it, the thought, “resist not evil” came to me over and over. I finally looked it up and found that it […]
Are You a SNIOP or a SPIOS?
This question is at the root of living a spiritual life of peace and happiness or a life of struggle and unhappiness. Ready for the question? “Are you susceptible to the negative influences of other people or are you susceptible to the positive influences of Spirit?” The answer to this question can give you an […]
There is a Secret Place Waiting for You to Find It
Psalm 91:1 very clearly tells us that: “They who dwell in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” One thousand years later, Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. Here we are today, worried about a plague and all the doom and gloom that […]