We have all been through some interesting and trying times. This past year has been a difficult time for many of us and now we appear to be on the other side of things and a new world is opening. At least that is what we are hoping for. A new world of opportunity and […]
Healing and Correction Must Come From Within
For countless years of written history there has been strife, wars, conflict, and man’s injustice toward man. During all these times, the human mind has created countless systems of government, rules and regulations, and economic structures that have been designed to make life work amiably for humankind and we are still facing the same obstacles […]
Matter is Matter and Spirit is Spirit
In Jesus’s conversation with Nicodemus, a leader of the Jews, he tells Nicodemus, in John 3:6, “What is born of the flesh is flesh and what is born of the Spirit is spirit”. Flesh is form, matter, corporeal, with body and can be seen, touched and experienced in the material world. Spirit is without form, […]
Love is the Only Power in the Universe
Our first Unity Principle says: “There is only one Presence and one power active as the universe and as my life, God the Good.” This is a pretty clear declaration of the spiritual truth that Jesus shared in his ministry. All there is, is Love and all there is, is God. 1 John 4:16 tells […]
Learning a New Spiritual Language
Jesus tells us in John 4:24 that God is Spirit, and we must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. This brings up the question of what is the language to use for Spirit and how do we use that language to communicate on an intimate level with the Divine? Jesus gives us a hint […]
I Am Free, I Am Unlimited
For a few days now, I have been wondering what to write about. What could I share with you and myself that would uplift us and keep us going through all the events and issues that are being presented to us each minute of the day? Just now I woke up and realized there has […]
You Are the Savior You Have Been Waiting For
In John 16:33 Jesus says, “I have overcome the world.” I believe Jesus is telling us that he has overcome the challenges of the material, carnal mind and has entered the Christ understanding of life in the physical realm. Jesus tells us in John 14:17, “Even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, […]
You Are the Light of the World; Our World is Awakening.
In Matt. 5:14 Jesus tells us that “you are the light of the world.” He tells us in another place that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. In the next chapter he tells us not to worry or be anxious, everything we need will be provided when we seek the Presence of God within. Basically, […]
We are Beings, not Becoming’s
Many years ago, we had the opportunity to be with a wonderful spiritual teacher by the name of John Paul. John Paul introduced us to many new ideas on our spiritual path and one of those ideas has recently surfaced for me in the form of an affirmation that has stayed in my memory bank. […]
Thanksgiving Love
We are wishing everyone in our spiritual community appreciation, thanks and love for your wonderful support and kindness during this year. You are a blessing to humankind. We are paraphrasing the Daily Word for Thanksgiving: We live a life of love and gratitude. We give thanks, feeling grateful throughout the day, which keeps us focused […]