Understanding the Lord’s Pray as shared by Jesus is all we need to know about the path to a spiritually blessed life in my opinion. We say it periodically from memory without really being aware of what we are saying and affirming. Let’s take a few minutes and look at each phrase and the powerful […]
It is an Inside Out World
For awhile now I have been struggling with how to bring this idea to you and explain it in a lucid manner. This idea, I believe, is a fundamental truth in proceeding on a successful spiritual path. That idea is that everything we experience begins on the inside and works its way to our outside […]
The Wonderful Symbolism of Easter
Easter is a holiday on the Christian calendar that calls for the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus the Christ. The exact date and time of the month is lost to history but the Council of Nicea in 324AD decided that it would be the Sunday after the first moon after the spring equinox and […]
You are the Light in an Upside-Down World
Jesus says in Matthew 5, You are indeed the light of the world…… “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify the Father.” The material world is in a turmoil, anxiety and fear dominate. Our friends and neighbors are concerned about the future. Worried that life will […]
Time for Spiritual Distancing
We are being asked to practice social distancing from each other so that we do not continue to spread the viral infection to others. This strategy appears to be working in the areas where it has been applied. I would like to propose another idea that I am calling, “Spiritual Distancing”. Most religions of the […]
An Upside-Down World Continued…Part 3
Jesus tells us in the last sentence in Luke 12:29, “Let not your mind be disturbed about these things.” He tells us earlier in this chapter that the birds of the air are taken care of and the flowers grow and thrive in the fields without toil. As children of God and joint heirs we […]
An Upside-Down World Continued…Part 2
The saga continues and it looks like it will last for a while longer. People are sequestered in their homes and cabin fever prevails. So how come so many of us have been asking for a break in our hectic busy lives and now that we have some time to relax at home, we are […]
An Upside-Down World Continued
We are still here, and God is still good and only good. The government is even talking about sending us money. The grocery stores are restocking. The TV is still working. All is well. Our thought for today is from Psalms 46: “Be still and know that I am God.” Jesus tells us in Matthew […]
An Upside-Down World
The world has gone upside down and everything has turned around. Many people are reacting in fear to the pandemic and many aren’t really sure what they are afraid of. They have stocked up on what they believe are vital provisions and sequestered themselves until the wind blows over and the all clear signal whistle […]
Render Unto Caesar
What an interesting bind we find ourselves in as we apply the Five Unity Principles in our lives, and we also experience the panic and directives due to the coronavirus from the government and medical agencies around us. The material world is properly concerned for the health of the general public and is thus issuing […]