We are normal human beings on our way to becoming supernatural. All of us have experienced miracles at some point in time. We have overcome adversity, disease, lack, relationship issues, and many of the trials and tribulations of the human existence. These miracles we have experienced on our way to these times of overcoming, have […]
What is Generative Consciousness?
Earlier this week I listened into a Silent Unity prayer call when the prayer partner used the phrase: generative consciousness. I have been pondering that idea ever since. We know that our individual consciousness determines the type of life and lifestyle that we lead. Proverbs 23:7 tells us that “as a man thinketh in his […]
Love Yourself Enough to Accept Yourself
Warts and all, each of us is a child of God, created in the spiritual image of the divinity that created the universe. As children of the Divine, we are joint heirs with Christ. Paul tells us in Rom. 6:20 that we were given free will in hopes that we would learn to choose rightly. […]
Where is God?
Most of us have come up with our personal image of God through early religious training, pictures from ancient artists, and parental guidance. Some of us believe God is a superhuman type being of masculine gender living on a cloud somewhere in space. Some of us believe that God judges us and keeps us in […]
We Live in God’s World, Not Ours!
The final sentence in the Lord’s Prayer says: “For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.” Here, Jesus is telling us to recognize that we live in a world based on God’s rules not our rules. As an expression of the Divine, we have been given the freedom of choice […]
Deliver Us From Error
The last part of the Lord’s prayer from Matthew 6 is translated in the Lamsa Bible as “do not let us enter into temptation, but deliver us from evil (or error). For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever, amen.” This is another affirmation of the power and […]
Thy Will Be Done
Staying with the ideas in the Lord’s prayer from Matthew 6 from last week, the next phrase we encounter is: “give us this day our daily bread.” A simple request that we might faithfully experience the needs that we will require for each day. You will notice that Jesus does not counsel us to ask […]
Our Father Which Art Within Us
We say the words in the Lord’s Prayer, given to us by Jesus beginning in Matt, 6:9, and I often wonder if we are really aware of the meaning behind the words we are using. The opening sentence, starts off, “Our Father” which was Jesus’ way of signifying the overall love, guidance and protection that […]
Handling People Challenges
No matter who you are, where you live or what type of family you live with, you run into people that will ruffle your feathers because of contrary political views, life views, and how we should conduct ourselves in our day to day life. The next-door neighbor has ideas we disagree with, our kids have […]
You Are the Solution You Have Been Looking For
When challenges occur in our lives, we have a tendency to start looking for answers and advice. We might seek a counselor, talk to a friend, read a book, or some other source of guidance outside of our selves. When we do this, we are denying that sweet presence within us that is always there, […]