A favorite Fillmore affirmation of mine is “I spring forth with a mighty zeal to do those things that ought to be done by me”. This is appropriate as we enter the new year of 2019. A Course of Love gives us a direction for this new year when it says on page 278, “Forget […]
A Return to Love
“I am divine love in expression”. I believe that this statement signifies a rebirth into a new state of being. A new way of being present in the world. A new way of operating in our experience of form. A new state that we call unity or union with all that is. A way that […]
Peace is the Promise of the Christmas Message
The Revealing Word dictionary defines peace as “Harmony and tranquility derived from awareness of the Christ Consciousness.” For me, that translates into a state of total security, comfort, safety, prosperity and fulfillment of a meaningful purpose to life. What would our families, communities, nations and the world be like if everyone was able to experience […]
Where is Your Foundation?
Science and Spirituality have pretty-well determined that there are subtle energies through out the Universe that we unconsciously send and receive. These energies create the foundation blocks of our life and how we experience it. These energies are the things that the Bible talks about when it says “As a man thinketh in his heart, […]
The Shocking Truth About Prosperity
At Unity Spiritual Center Pflugerville we recently began a book study of Catherine Ponder’s wonderful book, “The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity”. As some of you know, this was the book that got me started on a spiritual path way back in 1978. This was also the book that finally answered some of my questions about […]
Our Wonderful World of Illusions
Genesis 1:37 says “And God saw everything he had made, and, behold, it was very good.” (Lamsa). So, if this is true, how come we live in a world of conflict, disease, lack, war, poverty and man’s inhumanity to man, while we see wealth, health, peace, and general prosperity in other places? Certainly, seems to […]
What is in Your Heart?
It has been an interesting week. Lots of learning situations and a bunch of personal awareness’s into how our minds, and the subconscious patterns that are stored as part of our life experiences affect us and make up stories that are really not part of our current path in life. This underlines for me the […]
You are a Healing Presence
During the 24-hour prayer vigil with Unity World Day of Prayer from Unity Village, Rev. Linda Martella-Whitsett, VP of Silent Unity used the phrase “I am a healing presence.” This phrase has been resonating in my consciousness ever since I heard it. I realize the Truth in it. We can expand it and use the […]
Where are the Lost Children?
We are here. We have just forgotten who we are and what we are here to do. Recently, I have heard from several folks that they feel lost in a crazy world, victims of political turmoil, economic struggle, health challenges, and unfair social bias. I have also been reminded of the enchanting story of Peter […]
The Simplicity of Prayer
Looking up the word prayer in the dictionary or googling it leads to a series of explanations that includes asking, petitioning, thanking or begging a divine power for special favors or overcoming specific difficulties we are experiencing. These definitions come down to us from the European roots of our English language and the theology, doctrine […]