In the teachings of Jesus, we find profound wisdom that resonates with the concept of embracing change on our spiritual journey. One such example is found in the Gospel of Matthew, where Jesus speaks about the importance of letting go of worry and trusting in the divine providence: “Observe the birds of the air; they […]
Exploring the Significance of Solar Eclipses from a Spiritual Perspective
Solar eclipses, with their awe-inspiring display of celestial mechanics, have captivated humanity throughout history. For many, they represent a moment of profound spiritual significance, where the alignment of celestial bodies serves as a reminder of the divine order and power governing the universe. From a spiritual perspective, the symbolism inherent in a solar eclipse can […]
Beware of the Sadducees and Pharisees
Jesus warned His apostles to be careful of listening to the Sadducees and Pharisees and letting them influence their thinking in Matthew 16:6. These folks were the religious leaders and interpreters of Jewish law of that time. What Jesus was saying was, they know a lot of stuff about the rules and how they apply […]
Connecting With the Kingdom Within
This title is the famous quote from Luke 17:21 that Jesus shared when He was asked by the Pharisees to locate the Kingdom of God. The Phrase, “Kingdom of God” is used many times in the ministry of Jesus as well as the “Kingdom of Heaven” which scholars have decided is really referring to the […]
The True Church of Christ is the Heart of Human Beings
Charles Fillmore, the Unity co-founder has said that “the true Christ church is not a religious denomination. It is an aggregation of spiritual ideas in individual consciousness.” This occurs as people build relationships in the Spirit of Truth. Getting to form the bonds of love and unity as they grow as a community is the […]
There is a Power for Good in the Universe
We can learn to embrace that power for good in our lives and affairs. These ideas are from Ernest Holmes, a contemporary spiritual leader of Charles Fillmore. Ernest goes on to say that “The good in the universe is greater than you are, greater than I am, greater than all of us. A power for […]
When is Love, Love?
We are coming up on Valentine’s Day, the great national celebration of love and the remembrance of love in our lives. Even as we celebrate the day of love, the question comes up, what is love and how do I define it? Even that question brings up memories of adolescent puppy love and an answer […]
Tune Into the Quantum Field of Infinite Possibilities
Last week we looked at Charles Fillmore’s idea that we “Live in a Field of Inexhaustible Substance.” We then looked at man’s ability to create a possible life from the divine abilities that we all have and have forgotten how to use them. The biblical quote we used was from Proverbs 23:7 which said, “as […]
We Live in a Sea of Inexhaustible Substance
“That is ready to come into manifestation when molded by our thoughts” is a quotation from Charles Fillmore in his book, “Dynamics for Living”. The key to understanding this mystery of abundance is shared with us in Proverbs 23:7 which tells us that “As a Man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. Charles Fillmore, […]
The Spiritual Path is Really Simple
At the same time, spiritual path is also difficult to follow. Spiritual guidance from the Christian scriptures, Buddhist teachings, Hindu scriptures, and even Quantum Physics ideas tell us that each of us is a unique entity with amazing powers of creation through our thoughts, words and actions. The idea that we are the creators of […]