Any ship at sea needs a pilot to steer the vessel and a navigator to plot the course and speed of the vessel. The navigator is the person responsible for getting the vessel safely to a predetermined port or location. The pilot is responsible for the ship itself and following the directions of the navigator […]
In The Beginning was the Word
This phrase is the opening phrase in John 1:1 in the New Testament. And the verse ends, “and God was that word.” We, as human beings have named, catalogued, filed and defined everything in our world with words to describe what we see. Any time a new species or star or town is recognized, it […]
The Fruits of the Spirit are Love, Joy, and Peace
And the fruits of the ego are impurity, enmity (hate), strife (suffering), envy, and anger. These are some of the fruits of the Spirit and the ego as shared in the 5th chapter of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Remembering that these words were written at least 2000 years ago to share a message of hope […]
Accepting What Is as It Is
Learning to accept things in our lives as they are is the first step toward changing things. What is, is. I cannot really change things until I accept what has been created and forgive myself and others that had a hand in creating what is. Jesus tells us in Matt. 7:1, Judge not that you […]
Are you Ready to Listen to the Voice of Love and Faith?
Or are you still listening to the voice of the ego’s fear and doubt? Are you ready to be done with the way things have been done and to begin in a new way to listen to a new voice, the voice of Spirit within. Prayer is thought remembering the guidance of Spirit that is […]
The Greatest Thing You Will Ever Learn Is Just to Love and Be Loved in Return
This is the last phrase in the song written and sung by Eben Ahbez that was titled “Nature Boy”. It is a haunting and riveting song that came out of the hippie groups that flourished in the 1950’s and 1960’s and epitomizes the spiritual ideas that we are studying in our path back to a […]
In The Beginning, God
Today we look at the creation story as told in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 1. The first chapter begins: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and at the end of the first chapter, God saw everything that He had made and indeed, it was very good. In this […]
If it is to Be it is not up to me!
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this title a different way. It sounds like this, “If it is to be it is up to me.” I can even confess to using this phrase in my own presentations and exhorting others to buckle down, become determined, and force things through to completion. […]
You Are the Creative Energy of the Universe
In Exodus 3:14 Jehovah revealed himself to Moses as “I am that I am” and again in the New testament revealed himself to Jesus as the Father within. The Revealing Word Dictionary of Metaphysical Terms, defines Jehovah or Yahweh (the original Hebrew form of Jehovah) as “The self-existent one” or in our current understanding, God […]
Be Joyful Always
Pray Without Ceasing This title is a direct quote from the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 & 17 as he wrote to that church community encouraging them to continue growing in their spiritual life and leave the tribulations of the world behind them. Great advice that seems to still be relevant in the modern-day […]