Today we look at the creation story as told in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 1. The first chapter begins: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and at the end of the first chapter, God saw everything that He had made and indeed, it was very good. In this […]
If it is to Be it is not up to me!
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this title a different way. It sounds like this, “If it is to be it is up to me.” I can even confess to using this phrase in my own presentations and exhorting others to buckle down, become determined, and force things through to completion. […]
You Are the Creative Energy of the Universe
In Exodus 3:14 Jehovah revealed himself to Moses as “I am that I am” and again in the New testament revealed himself to Jesus as the Father within. The Revealing Word Dictionary of Metaphysical Terms, defines Jehovah or Yahweh (the original Hebrew form of Jehovah) as “The self-existent one” or in our current understanding, God […]
Be Joyful Always
Pray Without Ceasing This title is a direct quote from the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 & 17 as he wrote to that church community encouraging them to continue growing in their spiritual life and leave the tribulations of the world behind them. Great advice that seems to still be relevant in the modern-day […]
Be Transformed
By the Renewing of Your Mind In todays world, people are asking for answers and solutions to solve problems and struggles and in this simple statement from the apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, lies the beginning step to those answers we are looking for. The whole quote from Romans 12:2 reads (Lamsa […]
Let the Past Go
Allow God to Create the New HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAYWe are on a journey to reinstate our own independence from suffering and struggle. There is a story in Genesis chapter 19 about Lot, his wife and two daughters that were told to flee the towns of Sodom and Gomorah, that was about to be destroyed by […]
We Are Spirit, We’ve Just Forgotten
To me it is the crux of the situations we find ourselves in and an answer to how to pull ourselves out of the struggle and suffering we experience. This is a call to understand that we are divinity and the answers we are seeking are already within us. Jesus tells us in John 4:24 […]
The Spiritual Principle of Connection
The Connection with All that is… The spiritual principle of connection is rooted in the understanding that we are all One and that all beings and things in the universe are interconnected and interdependent. It recognizes that we are not separate entities, but part of a larger whole mechanism linked to everything around us. We […]
Who Are You and What Do you Believe?
Another Spiritual Principle to Consider Our next spiritual principle that we are investigating is Self-Reflection or Introspection. Taking time to reflect on our beliefs, values and our life. This is a constant self-evaluation that deeply and honestly, in meditation and prayer, asks those questions that we do not want to ask. Questions like, “what do […]
Service to Others and the Community
Another Spiritual Principle to Consider Serving others through acts of kindness, positive outreach, and volunteer work can be another way to connect with the divine and contribute to the greater good. Just pondering on the law of attraction that says: what you share you receive in kind helps to understand this spiritual principle. I am […]