Forgiveness is the spiritual principle that opens awareness. In Luke chapter 15, Jesus tells the story of the prodigal son. Metaphysically, this story is about two sons. The spiritual side of us and the physical side or human nature we call the ego. The spiritual side or our connection with God is always part of […]
Gratitude is Our Next Principle
On Our Journey Back to the Father’s House Another idea that confronts us as we continue our path back to our awakened Christ Self is spelled out by the apostle Paul in Romans 8:28. He says, “…All things work together for good to them that love God…” If we are to put that in a […]
Good Listening Skills are a Form of Love
Being present in a dialogue of communication with other souls is an opportunity to establish relationship, bonding and understanding. This requires an intention to listen with compassion and not prejudge and make up your own story about how you feel about what is being said. We are looking for understanding of how the person feels […]
Mindfulness is the First Principle on a Spiritual Path
Overall, the key to fulfilling the principle of mindfulness is to make a conscious effort to stay present and aware in each moment, and to cultivate a non-judgmental attitude towards yourself and others. Since we are a Christian based community, that means following the teachings of Jesus. Staying aware of who we are and expressing […]
Artificial Intelligence Feedback on a Spiritual Life
This week my daughter sent me a link to download Chat gpt, an artificial intelligence program to try. I couldn’t resist asking it “What principles are necessary for a spiritual life” and watched with amazement as it immediately printed out the following answer verbatim: “What principles are necessary for a spiritual life?” The principles necessary […]
You Can’t Run Away From the Truth
We are told in Genesis that God created man in his own image, Jesus told us that we are the light of the world and that the Kingdom of Heaven is within us, and Paul tells us that the Spirit of God dwells within us. We, as human beings, living in our daily lives are […]
Peace is a Thought Away
This affirmation is a statement of Truth about who you really are as a spiritual being. Our Bible tells us In Isaiah 26:3 (KJV), we are told “Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee.” Looking up the definitions of perfect and peace we get a wonderful picture of a […]
We Are Complete and Whole Just as We Are
This affirmation is a statement of Truth about who you really are as a spiritual being. Our Bible tells us that you are the light of the world (Mt. 5:14), the Temple of God (1 Cor. 3:16), ye are Gods (Jn. 10: 34) and even quotes Jesus in John 14:12 saying that those who believe […]
Life is Relationship
I found a quote by Rev. Michael Beckwith of Agape International Spiritual Center that points in a direction that begins to give us an idea on why we are here. Rev. Beckwith says: “You didn’t come in as a bystander, you came in as a participant.” A simple phrase that for me means we are […]
Lessons from ‘A Course of Love’
The opening paragraph to ‘A Course of Love’ (ACOL), chapter five states that “The Christ in you is wholly human and wholly divine. As the wholly divine, nothing is unknown. As the wholly human, everything has been forgotten.” So it is clear that our purpose for being here is to reunite our wholly human self […]