Today’s title comes from ‘A Course of Love’ Chapter 20 para. 30 which says: “The laws of fear are laws of struggle, limits, danger, and competitiveness. The laws of love are the laws of peace, abundance, safety, and cooperation. Your actions and the results of your actions in a universe of love will naturally be […]
The Kingdom of God is Within You
This is a statement made by our master teacher, Jesus the Christ to the Pharisees that asked him when the kingdom of God should come. This phrase, The Kingdom of God is within you, has been difficult for modern day Christians to accept. The question is: how can the kingdom of God be within the […]
Let Bygones be Bygones
This is a quote from William Shakespeare that appears in the “Winters Tale” play written sometime in 1611. It was a common idiom at that time and evidently, Shakespeare was the first to use it in a written publication. It is defined in several ways in today’s word usage as: Let the unpleasantness we experienced […]
A New Commandment I Give, That You Love One Another
This title is a quote by Jesus from John 13:34 that I admit to editing to make it generic in nature. Another quote of Jesus from Mt. 22:36-39 when Jesus was asked, what is the greatest commandment in the law? “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and […]
What Happens to Dreams?
Several years ago, this question was posed in an interactive class that began a lively and penetrating discussion. What really happens to a vision or a dream or an intention that we have that we don’t complete? Does the dream die or does the dreamer die? We are spiritual beings having a temporary experience in […]
Unlock the Power that is Within You
Words and what they mean to you drive your life. The world that we find ourselves in has been created by the spoken word. Everything is an idea that comes into form by someone explaining their ideas in words that are than converted into the visual form that someone saw in the idea. John 1:1 […]
Stop Thinking About the Difficulty and Think About God
This simple statement is the “Golden Key to prayer” as shared by Emmet Fox, a new thought teacher, published in a little booklet in 1931, that has changed peoples lives for years. I believe this simple process characterizes the Mother Nature of God in Its fullest. A mother’s nature is to love, support, encourage, nurture, […]
You Can Change Your Life by Altering Your Thoughts
This wonderful challenging statement is from the preface to Eric Butterworth’s book, “Unity A Quest for Truth”. This statement sums up the teachings of Unity and opens up a new dialogue on ancient principles that come down to us from the teachings of Jesus, Paul, and teachers from other religions and faiths. The challenge for […]
Where is the Promised Land Called the Kingdom?
Jesus has said that the “Kingdom of God is within you” in Luke 17:21. The question becomes, OK, where is it within me and if it is there, how do I access it? Part of that answer comes in the previous verse of Luke 17:20 when Jesus tells the Pharisees, “The Kingdom of God does […]
Gratitude and Appreciation Start the Good Times Rolling
Palm Sunday is the commemoration of the day that Jesus rode into the city of Jerusalem on the back of a donkey and was met with crowds of people celebrating him with great joy and laying out palm fronds in his path in honor and appreciation. Metaphysically, Jerusalem is “The habitation of Peace” or our […]