Pray Without Ceasing
This title is a direct quote from the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:16 & 17 as he wrote to that church community encouraging them to continue growing in their spiritual life and leave the tribulations of the world behind them. Great advice that seems to still be relevant in the modern-day world we live in.
Last week we looked at Romans 12:2 that asked us to transform our lives by renewing our minds. Looking at things from a new perspective on life and leaving the old ways of thinking and acting behind us. Paul was really just amplifying and reminding the folks in Thessalonia of the simple teachings of Jesus as he traveled throughout the area of the ancient Greek and Roman empires, bringing the new message to the Jews that had migrated to those cities.
This week we are going to look at Paul’s advice that shares some keys to the possibility of completing or at least getting farther along on our path back to the Father’s house.
First is to be joyful always, a real challenge in today’s world. This means cultivating a new outlook on life. Being happy and joyful and honestly seeing everything from a new perspective. “Everything that happens to me is a lesson furthering my spiritual wisdom.” This means forgiving current and past upsets and cleaning my consciousness of events and incidents that bring up fear automatically. We all need help to do this effectively so we will be reintroducing an ancient Hawaiian program of Ho’oponopono. A simple self-healing process that minimizes the subconscious programs that are limiting our lives.
Second, we are going to look at “pray without ceasing.” One of the ideas to embrace is that “every thought is a prayer” that produces in kind. So, the outcomes in life are determined by the thoughts that we hold in consciousness. This doesn’t mean each thought individually. What it means is an overall consciousness or beliefs (subconscious programs) that create the lifestyle that I believe is mine.
This is where the simple ideas shared in the Ho’oponopono ritual help us to create a new way of thinking that leaves the old way behind and creates a new way of love and endless possibilities for good.
Here’s the secret formula: “I love you.” “I am sorry.” “Please forgive me.” “Thank You.” These four statements are spoken verbally over and over in meditation knowing that you are petitioning the Source of the Universe, your Christ Self, to clean up your consciousness and return to you to your True, High Self of Love.
Sounds too easy, doesn’t it? Seems to fulfill the suggestions of Paul to be joyful always and to pray without ceasing. Why not give it a try and continue doing it as things shift for the better for you?
I love you and see the Christ Light Joyful, happy and prayerful within you.