Paul tells us in Romans 12:2, “Do not imitate the way of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may discern what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” In other words, change your thinking, change your attitude, change your beliefs, come from love, become aware of who you are.
In today’s world, another way of saying it is, get out of your mind, stop following the programs of anger, revenge, hate, and competition. Learn and become aware that the way of the heart is the way of peace, love, abundance and harmony.
The way of the mind is the way of the world. It has trained us to protect ourselves, be on a constant look for danger and people doing us wrong. It has trained us to fight back and seek revenge when we think we see a wrong. It has convinced us that we live in a dangerous world and it is survival of the fittest that rules. It has sold us on a world of good versus evil and we are in a constant fight to experience good in our lives. Stop and think about what the law of attraction is presenting to those who live life from this belief structure of this way of the mind.
The way of the heart is love, peace joy, abundance, harmony, health and all the good things of spirit that we are searching for. These things come to us from following the way of the heart. This is the state of being that Paul was making reference to. Renewing the mind to include the energies of the heart. This is what is shared with us by the conversation about wholeheartedness, unity, and union in “A Course of Love.” It is also part of the research conducted by the Heart Math Institute when they found that coherence between the heart and the brain produced productive and calming brain waves in experiments with human beings.
In the way of the heart there is nothing to do, nothing to fight, nothing to worry about. All there is, is the awareness that within each of us is a program for good, waiting to take over. When we learn to let go and allow that program for good to take over our lives, things change for the better. Problem is that the way of the mind has convinced us that this way of the heart is ridiculous and will only create problems for us if we follow it.
As Paul has said, it is time to transform our minds and follow the way of the heart. That way is God’s way. He is the programmer that set up the program for good that is waiting to take over our lives. That program says we are created in the perfect image of God, we are all equal, divine, and imbued with the capabilities for thriving in our world. We have unfortunately forgotten our status and allowed others to convince us that we are not holy and complete. Some of the others have usurped power and used it for their personal gain and control.
Our job is to seek our divine awareness and return to the Father as outlined in the parable of the prodigal son. The way of the heart is one of love, peace, harmony, cooperation and good will. These are the characteristics that will produce the world we are looking for. That way is already there waiting to be recognized by each of us. It will take a renewing of our hearts. We are on that path. Join us and let’s look forward to a new way of doing things and solving problems.