In 1978 I was introduced to the ideas of the ‘New Thought’ generation and the mysteries of the metaphysical outlook on life. The ideas that I have studied since that time have taken me through the Unity movement, Joel Goldsmith, Roy Eugene Davis and Parmahansa Yogananda, a variety of seminars, classes and workshops, books, CD’s and DVD’s, A Course in Miracles, and most recently A Course of Love. I guess you could call me a seeker. Problem is, by definition, seekers need to seek but not find so they stay on the quest of learning and searching for knowledge. By assuming that the answer is “out there” somewhere we keep ourselves busy knowing that the answer to our search is going to show up in the next book, seminar, religion, or guru that we encounter.
This whole idea for me is part of the metaphysical thinking that I was introduced to in 1978. Meta means beyond or more than and physical relates to the material world we live in and experience. So, when we refer to the New Thought or metaphysical aspects of life we are referring to things beyond the physical world that we are experiencing as we go about our life. This might be called a spiritual outlook on life.
When we enter the spiritual conversation, we begin talking about prayer, meditation, affirmations and all of the tools described by the various modalities involved in the search for a spiritual lifestyle that brings real change in the trials and tribulations of our modern world. These are all things that we do to get better. To change the physical world I am experiencing into a better physical world.
I have been asked to explain the benefits of reading and studying A Course of Love for a few months now and although I knew there was a major shift in my life, I haven’t been able to explain that shift.
This week, in our (at Unity Spiritual Center of Pflugerville) Wednesday class, we read from day 32 in the dialogue that says: “The experience of Self is God. It is not from God. It is not of God. It is God.” The chapter goes on and explains that we are more than an experience of God we are each God experiencing Itself through us. Our awareness and our consciousness of that fact determines the quality of the life we experience as we go about our everyday affairs.
This simple idea is the breakthrough concept that has taken me 48 years of wandering in the metaphysical teachings of the world and four complete readings of a Course of Love to begin comprehending. There is nothing to fix, there is nothing to improve, there is nothing to make better. All there is, is me waking up to the fact that I am the experience of God and the world has co-opted my powers for its own purposes.
So now my search is no longer in the pure metaphysical or even the next step to the spiritual. It is a new idea for me that I am referring to as the Metaspiritual or beyond the spiritual conversation of seeking God, to a direct experience as God.
To me, this is a new conversation that opens up doors that I have not seen before. Let’s be brave enough to investigate these ideas as we uncover the truth about who we are, what we are here to do, and why are we here to do it.