Paraphrasing a statement from a Course of Love on page 370: “For every being there is a natural state of being that is joyful, effortless, and full of love. For every being existing in time and material form, there is also an unnatural state of being. This unnatural state we call fear.” Hebrews 11:1 says, […]
Letting Go Means Letting Go
Sometimes we get so fixated on something we have planned and anticipated, just knowing that it will happen, that we forget to turn it over to Infinite Intelligence that knows all things. The personal self, the material person, the self that thinks and plans and has pictures of the way things should be, is the […]
You are Already One
You are already accomplished is the Truth about you. You will notice that the word “Truth” begins with a capital T signifying that imbued within you and every other human being, now present to life, is an expression of divinity. You are an ambassador of love, harmony and peace. The problems that occur in our […]
The Secret to Effective Prayer
Jesus, our master teacher tells us very clearly in Matthew Chapter 6, that when we pray, to go within ourselves, close out the cares of the world, be silent, and do not ask or beg for anything because God, the energy of the Universe, already knows what we need before we ask. Jesus goes on […]
We are the Healing Heart of our Nation
James 2:26 tells us that “For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead.” James is the brother of Jesus who became the head of the first Christian church. He was a man of great authority writing to the Christian Jews dispersed throughout the Roman Empire, reminding […]
Father God is Present in all Situations
It is Fathers’ Day we are celebrating this weekend and we are also aware that we have a brand-new federal holiday called Juneteenth that celebrates June 19, 1865, when Union soldiers brought the message of freedom to enslaved black people in Galveston. Paul says in his second letter to Timothy (written from prison) “I remind […]