We will begin looking at the spiritual path that Jesus laid out for us in his ministry and teachings to reach that level of the Christ Light understanding when he said in John 14:12, “Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these….”
We understand that the phrase, “believes in me” was an Aramaic language idiom that meant, “do as I have taught you to do.” Another way of understanding that phrase might be “believe in the teachings I have shared and follow that path of action.”
We believe that Jesus clearly pointed to the innate spark of divinity that resides within each of us when he said things like: “You are the Light of the World” and “The Kingdom of God is within you,” and “strive first for the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness and all these things will be given to you.”
We also believe that Jesus told us that we had forgotten our personal identity as a spiritual being when he said, “now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face to face.” This tells us that although we are lost in the illusion of the material world, we can return to our connection with our true spiritual self by following the path outlined by Jesus that takes us back to our Christ Self.
Welcome to the Pilgrimage of returning to our Father’s House, much like the prodigal son. This journey requires a few steps along the way. There is a choir of angels joining in the celebration as we forgive ourselves for being lost in the material illusion of the world and all its foibles and accepting that we are really spiritual beings that have decided to follow the path back to our rightful heritage. This is the first step.
The second step is to take our power back from the ego’s domination. That is the subject of Sunday’s message as we investigate the power of the spoken word and the effect of frequency and sound on our material and spiritual form.
We are experiencing the second coming of the Christ Light into the world. We are born again into a new understanding of who we are as spiritual beings. Peace be still and know that I am God. We are birthing a new reality of love peace and goodwill toward all men.
We are the new pilgrims on our journey back to the Kingdom of Heaven within.
Love and Christmas blessings of health, joy, happiness and prosperity in all areas of your life. Happy 2022 !!!