This week I have had reasons to want to fight back at what I perceived as an injustice in my life. As I wrestled with this state of affairs and my self-righteous attitude about it, the thought, “resist not evil” came to me over and over. I finally looked it up and found that it comes from Jesus as he spoke what we now know as The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:39. In today’s words I would have to say it would translate into “resist not ideas that I think are in error.”
The whole quote from Jesus in Matthew 5:39 (Lamsa) is “But I say to you that you should not resist evil (or error); but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Which is an Aramaic idiom for don’t start a fight.
The other thought that surfaced about the same time was, “Choose only Love” from ‘A Course of Love’. Wrapped up in these thoughts is the awareness from the spiritual path which requires us to live in unconditional trust in the perfect unfolding of life as we stay in the sustained consciousness of love and the Christ Mind. This is staying rooted in the simple idea that God is, I am, and all is well.
This is that constant need for the internal awareness of what state of consciousness we are in as we deal with life’s issues. Are we giving into the negative inputs of material world or are we staying grounded in the loving input of Spirit knowing that unconditional trust brings the perfect outworking of every situation?
There are many instances in today’s world where we can take on the feelings and emotions of other people, groups, cultures and beliefs. They are varied, passionate and even sometimes controversial and easy to get wrapped up in. Rather than get sucked into the conversation internally and allowing ourselves to take sides as I did this week, the answer is to go back to the spiritual path in every situation and choose only love knowing that only the highest and best transpires when we turn things over to God, the Ultimate Power of the Universe. This is the act of Faith that produces outcomes and miracles in amazing ways.
Please join us this week as we celebrate World Day of Prayer knowing that all is well, and the holiday called Labor Day honoring the working people of the world that provide the staples of life for our sustenance and comfort.