You can let the world know that you have turned out. You are successful. You have created the type of world you want to live in. We are all successful beings living in a world of our own collective beliefs. Genesis 1:27 tells us that “God created man in his own image and likeness” and I believe that means we are each an expression of divinity, creating our own experience. We are also part of the consciousness of God that that includes the whole population of earth which might suggest that we together are the creators of the environment, culture, governments, and lifestyles we experience. There is no one out there to blame. It is we the people.
Our Bible goes on to tell us that we are heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ. Jesus even makes reference to “you are gods” in John 10:34. So, we go on with the idea that we live in a mirror of our own beliefs and attitudes all the while blaming someone or something out there for things we don’t like.
Dr. Emily Cady, in lessons in truth says, in the very first part of the book, “Every person believes themselves to be in bondage to the things of the flesh. All suffering is the result of this belief.” She goes on to tell us that when we come to know that we are one with the Father, we are free from suffering and have dominion over all things.
This idea, that we are living in a self-created world is difficult to internalize and process. It might even stir up anger and disbelief. The truth of it is required for a possible escape from the world we are experiencing. The spiritual way of life gives you dominion.
The first step is realizing that you/we are really an expression of divinity. That you are creating your world by the thoughts, words, and emotions that you are expressing. This is acknowledgement of your right identity as a child of God and joint heir with Christ. No one and nothing outside of us is responsible for our life experience. You/we have done it all. It takes courage to look at this and admit it. In my own life, I created my health problems, I created the moves and struggles that I experienced in my career, I created obnoxious neighbors, and so on. Look at the power and success that I created. It took a lot of energy and mental work to create these events. I can now look at them, forgive myself and start over again. Look how successful I have been in creating exactly what I didn’t want by focusing on what I didn’t want (or feared).
We are living in challenging times. Times that are giving us an opportunity to look at how we are dealing with them. Are we fearful and angry about the situations we find ourselves in or are we knowing that we are one with the divine energy of the Universe and protected as we are told in numerous places throughout the Bible?
In closing, Emily Cady also said, “The history of the coming of the children of Israel out of their long bondage in Egypt, is descriptive of the human mind growing up out of the animal or sense part of man into the spiritual part.” A true metaphysical interpretation that I believe applies to our current world situation. The only solution is a spiritual solution. Are you part of that new level of awareness?