The last part of the Lord’s prayer from Matthew 6 is translated in the Lamsa Bible as “do not let us enter into temptation, but deliver us from evil (or error). For thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever, amen.”
This is another affirmation of the power and glory that we have access to as a child of God. Jesus is telling us to ask the Father within us to help us stand up to the barrage of information that comes at us from the world around us. We listen to the input from TV, social media, family, friends, and neighbors espousing the beliefs of the ego and then make our own decisions from the deep part of the Christ Light. We do have an inner guidance that comes as part of the Christ Path when we open ourselves to a higher level of awareness within.
The Daily Word for today (Aug. 17) tells us “I release outer distractions that clutter my mind and I am left with absolute peace and clarity”. We are given another reminder to leave the advice, expertise, and opinions of the ego behind us and know “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.” We just desire to learn how to be still and listen.
We are resolute in following the spiritual path to love and peace as we “Be Still and Know that I am God.”