Our conversation today is focused on looking at the idea of Divine Order and Practical Christianity. That leads me to a definition that implies embracing a series of everyday, simple principles that are applied to my life that lead to a healthy, harmonious, abundant, and productive lifestyle that produces peace and love for myself and others. This is the peace that Jesus spoke of in John 14:27 when he said, “Peace I leave with you….”
The world is looking for peace and inner ease, a life without fear, doubt and struggle, a life of divine order. The problem is that the world is searching in the world. Jesus said in John 17:16, “…as I am not of this world.” It is obvious to me that the panaceas that have been created by the world to find inner peace are not producing the results we are looking for. The escapes of drugs (both legal and illegal), alcohol, TV, money, political activity, and the many distractions that our culture has created to feel good about ourselves has only led to more struggle, fear, turmoil and division.
Maybe the answer lies in the possibility that the world does not have the answer to a basic spiritual search for inner peace. Maybe the answer is in the phrase “inner peace”. Isaiah 26:3 says, “Thou will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.” So, this leads us to the possibility that peace is already inside of us and it is there that we need to look for our answer to finding inner peace. It is not outside in the activities of the world. Divine Order and peace are an inner gift that is already present within us.
I believe the answer lies in the hymn, “Just a Closer Walk with Thee.” As we create a daily program of silent meditation, affirmative prayer, reading and listening to spiritual and uplifting ideas, and association with like minded people, life begins to harmonize, and we catch glimpses of inner peace as we grow in consciousness. Just like the order that comes as we clean up a messy room, we need to clean up the messy room within our consciousness and allow the peace that is already there to manifest.
“It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom,” is our promise. It looks like what is required is to do the daily work laid out for us in order to leave the chaos of the outer world and enter the domain of Spiritual inner peace. The Father within, He does the work. Divine Order prevails is our affirmation of faith and inner peace.