Scientists are telling us that everything we experience in the Universe is made up of energies at different rates of vibration. There is also a conversation that when we as human beings observe something; we affect the outcome or presence of the thing or event that we are observing. The Heart Math Institute has come up with the idea, through their experiments, that each of us are receiving and transmitting centers of energy, creating our own experience of the world around us through our thoughts and beliefs.
I am starting to believe that Jesus might have been our first Quantum Physics scientist. In Matt. 6:19 -24, He tells us to not count on the world for our treasures but to count on the Kingdom of Heaven for our treasures and all the good things in life. I believe He was telling us that our good comes from a good consciousness. A knowing from the Truth that we are expressions of God vibrating the energy of the Universe into our version of reality. So, our environment is dictated by the words and thoughts we decide to dwell upon. Harmony words and thoughts create harmonious outcomes. Woe is me words and thoughts create victim and negative outcomes.
We are told by science that our thoughts influence outcomes. The old Testaments tells us “as a man thinketh, so is he.” Jesus tells us that our words and thoughts create the world we live in. So, maybe we should really listen to the voices of the experts if we want to live a productive lifestyle.
Learning to live a life of peace, love and harmony takes a new outlook on life and a new way of doing things. It takes study of spiritual (not religious) principles and the ability to quiet the mind through meditation and contemplation. It is also helpful to be part of a community that is on the same spiritual path. We love you and invite you to join with us as we support each other in our journey to awakening.