Today’s title comes from ‘A Course of Love’ Chapter 20 para. 30 which says: “The laws of fear are laws of struggle, limits, danger, and competitiveness. The laws of love are the laws of peace, abundance, safety, and cooperation. Your actions and the results of your actions in a universe of love will naturally be different from your actions and the results of your actions in a universe of fear. You set the laws of the universe when you chose fear. The laws of the universe of love are God-given”
This quote from ‘A Course of Love’ helps to understand the suggestions of Jesus in Mt. 22:37 & 39, Thou shall love God and your neighbor with all your heart, soul and mind. This is a repeat of the message from earlier in His ministry in Mt. 5:44 when He said, love our enemies, bless anyone who curses you, do good to anyone who hates you and pray for those who carry you away by force.
This simple advice from Jesus is difficult to understand and comprehend as the keys to success and happiness given the world we are growing up in. We are trained in fear from childhood. We are taught that this is a dangerous world of competition, limitation, and struggle. We become adults that are ready to fight the world to receive our good and even then, we have to protect ourselves and families because it could all be taken away if we are not careful.
Maybe this programmed fear, that is part of our world, keeps us experiencing the laws of the universe of fear and just maybe the keys to our spiritual path back to the Father’s House and the Holiness that we seek, lies in forgetting the laws of fear and remembering the universal laws of love. These new laws of love are said to produce peace, abundance, safety and cooperation. Most people would think that following this advice is not productive or even possible. However how are the laws of fear working for us? Where is the peace, abundance and cooperation that everyone is hoping for?
Maybe it is time to give up competition, anger, struggle, limitation, blame, etc. and try the simple guidance of the master teacher, Jesus, to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” (All of them, no matter what they look like, sound like or talk like).