Jesus said in John 6:63, “It is the Spirit that gives life; the body is of no account.” Charles Fillmore, in his book, “The Mysteries of John” explains that the spiritual Self or the Christ is the true inner Self of every individual and through our words, we use the creative principle in forming our environment, good or bad.
So, how do we begin cleaning up our thoughts and words to begin our return on a spiritual path to the Father’s House? I believe one of the first steps is to begin cleaning up our upsets, anger, resentment, and retribution toward ourselves and then others that we feel have hurt us and offended us. This is probably the biggest cloud of negatively stored thoughts that trigger our fight or flight response when we are confronted by new events that upset us. This part of our brain is always looking for things that can rile us up when we are attempting to change our thinking and return to a peaceful state.
A formalized list of events, situations, people, and personal mistakes that pop up when similar situations happen or things that keep you awake at night worrying, are a good beginning. Then begin verbalizing forgiveness for each person or thing on the list. It is probably best to begin with yourself for yourself. Then, work on family and friends. Then work on enemies and people that have been problems for you. Yes, keep digging and bring out all those nasty encounters that are still registered as memories in your subconscious mind. They are the buried memories that are driving your behaviors in your everyday life. These are the memories that unconsciously pop up and start the fight or flight response of fear when something occurs in your life today.
Complete and total forgiveness begins the process of clearing the mind of all these stored injustices or embarrassments. When you start the process, Spirit will begin to help you in the releasement of these items.
Jesus, our master teacher, gave us a supreme example of forgiveness in Like 23:24 when he said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” He did this after he was beaten, falsely accused, nailed to a cross and them allowed to hang there until he died. I believe he knew he had to clear his consciousness to begin the miracle of the resurrection of his mortal body by letting go of anything that was not of a spiritual nature.
That is the lesson for us. Letting go of those stored up insults, hurts, and anger thoughts that we hold toward ourselves and others. This letting go and releasing begins the transformation of awakening that we are seeking on the spiritual path. This is allowing The Father Within to do the work, materializing the life we are seeking. (This does not mean forgetting. It means letting go of the emotion.
We love you and know that you are supported and appreciated by the energy that created the Universe. You are God in expression waiting for guidance on your journey back to the Father’s House. Guidance comes when we begin to clean house and allow the space within us to fill up with Love and Spirit.