Paul says in his second letter to Timothy (written from prison) “I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you…For God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and love and good discipline.” A wonderful reminder that we are expressing the Christ Self in all our comings and goings and no matter how things look in the material world, God’s perfect pattern is at work in our lives.
We all have events in the fabric of time in the material world that scream for our attention. These are the times to “stir up” the gift of God which is in us. To remember that all is well in God’s Kingdom. To let go and let the Divinity that we are do the work without our intervention.
We acknowledge that there is only One Power and Presence in the Universe. Each of us is that Divine Presence in Its’ Allness expressing Itself into our physical world. We are the carriers of God’s love, peace, abundance, health, and the other gifts of Spirit into the material experience through our thoughts, feelings, words and actions.
We are the power to overcome the ravages of fear, uncertainty and doubt for ourselves and those around us. It is up to us to “stir up the gift of God which is in you” and bring forth the energies of love and discipline in our daily lives.