On Our Journey Back to the Father’s House
Another idea that confronts us as we continue our path back to our awakened Christ Self is spelled out by the apostle Paul in Romans 8:28. He says, “…All things work together for good to them that love God…” If we are to put that in a sentence using contemporary language we could say: Everything that happens to us (no matter how it looks) happens for our highest and best good. As we hold our thoughts in gratefulness and appreciation knowing that God is good and all is well, our good manifests in perfect ways.
This reaction to apparent negative events is contrary to our normal human training. Usually we wind up complaining, criticizing and crying the blues. This new spiritual idea is counterintuitive to our normal reactions to disappointment and presents us with a new tool for our journey back to spiritual awareness.
Let’s look at this idea in the context of the law of attraction that tells us what we think about we create. With this in mind, wouldn’t it make sense that our thoughts of anger, upset and fear held in thoughts when a negative event occurs, tell us that we are just reinforcing the problem that we are upset about, and maybe even creating more of the same problems.
What we are learning here is that our reaction to things in our lives create the events that are playing out in life around us. Jesus tells us in Matt. 6:33, “Seek you first the Kingdom of God and all things will be added to you.” We are creators of our world. The Kingdom of Heaven we are looking for is already within us.
We are here to create a new world of peace, harmony, love, abundance and joy. We do this through seeing only God in our fellow humans and the world we live in. On this wonderful celebration of ‘Mother’s Day’, it is appropriate that we sow the seeds of gratitude and appreciation for the world we live in and everything in it.