No matter who you are, where you live or what type of family you live with, you run into people that will ruffle your feathers because of contrary political views, life views, and how we should conduct ourselves in our day to day life. The next-door neighbor has ideas we disagree with, our kids have crazy ideas that we feel are counterproductive and the TV commentator that we just heard is way off base. The world is full of dissension, anger, revenge, and hate. And then we wonder why things are not working for us and our lives reflect the very things that we are working so hard to overcome.
Jesus very clearly gives us an answer to this question in Matt. 7:2, “For the same judgement that you judge, you will be judged, and with the same measure with which you measure, it will be measured to you.” So, we are looking at a very simple example of the law of attraction in action. What we speak and think is what we experience no matter what intent or form the words we speak are intended to create. Jesus goes on to say, “why do you see the splinter in your brother’s eye and do not feel the beam which is in your own eye?” Great question for us to ponder when looking at how to create a lifestyle that matters and keeps us happy, safe and abundant.
Jesus, in another scripture, tells us that the kingdom of heaven is within. He also counsels us to forgive and to love our neighbors as ourselves. Maybe this counsel is the secret step we are searching for. Within us is everything we are searching for. We are children of God. What we think and speak, we create. When we forgive our friends, neighbors, family, the opposing political party and yes, even the TV commentator, we are setting up a lifestyle for ourselves that comes from love. This is a new step for our modern world suggested at least 2,000 years ago. This is contrary to what the world teaches.
The next question to ask is, how’s the world’s teaching working out for you? We are entering a new world of love, cooperation, peace, and happiness that will require a new way of being present in the world. We can start the change in our own world by choosing to love and appreciate everyone as a child of the Divine, knowing they are one with us. (No matter what they say or do.)