For countless years of written history there has been strife, wars, conflict, and man’s injustice toward man. During all these times, the human mind has created countless systems of government, rules and regulations, and economic structures that have been designed to make life work amiably for humankind and we are still facing the same obstacles and problems in society. Religious institutions have created systems of religious worship that were promulgated to lift the average person out of struggle, poverty, and injustice and we still see those very things still affecting our cultures throughout the world. On the surface of things, it certainly looks like we as human beings do not have the answers to how we can get along and live along together in an amiable, fair, and productive manner.
Maybe the answer is that the human mind is incapable of creating solutions to the world’s problems as it is currently focused and trained. Maybe we are so imbedded in the problems that we cannot see the escape from the endless wars and conflicts of all kinds. (Personal wars, national wars, and international wars.) Maybe it is time to give up the beliefs in sin, guilt, victimization, revenge, fear, and the other energies of the human mind’s world and begin focusing and training the spiritual mind in the energies of love, harmony, peace, abundance, justice and the Christ presence that we are. This is the Presence of God that we are at the core of our being and the Presence that is waiting for us to return to our place in the Garden of Eden. This Christ Presence is willing to see only the Spiritual being that we are and at the same time see only the spiritual self that surrounds us and is part of the 7 billion people that are on the face of the earth. The Christ Presence has the answers to the issues that abound in the world and the solutions we are seeking. Judge not lest you be judged, love the Lord with all your heart, love thy neighbor (all of them), do not worry, all is well, and be still and know that God is within.
These are the simple directions we were given 2,000 years ago by Jesus, our master teacher. The world has ignored them and even criticized them as naïve. Maybe it is time to wake up and look around. Really look at what is working or not and are we living in an experience of world peace, love and joy for everyone. We are now facing a truth that I believe needs to be addressed if we are going to see personal change in our lives. The events throughout history have shown us that the way of the world is not a viable solution. There is nothing out there that worked to create change. It is interesting that the scientific community is now pointing to the suggestion from long ago that “as a man thinketh so is he.” “The Kingdom of Heaven is within” is another saying from long ago that is another suggestion that science is now amplifying as it studies the power of the human mind.
The new world is unfolding. That new world is the world that was promised in the metaphor of the Garden of Eden. A world of love that sees only the Christ in everything and everyone. A world that sees through the illusion created by the ego mind that keeps us in a world that is not working for all of God’s children. A new world that is created as each of us breaks the mesmerism of the ego mind and returns back to the Kingdom of our True Self. This requires refocusing, renewing and retraining of our minds as defined by Paul in Romans 12:2. Join us in the journey back to the Father’s house.