In a Course of Love, page 370, par.3.6, it affirms, “For every being there is a natural state of being that is joyful, effortless, and full of love. For every being existing in time there is also an unnatural state of being.” In the world we experience daily, the question surfaces asking, which of these worlds are we living in? Are we living in the world of Spirit created by the higher Self or are we living in the world of illusion and time manifested by the natural self of the ego?
Charles Fillmore, in The Mysteries of John, says, “When the redeemed intellect (ego mind) is fully merged with the Christ Light, then the indwelling Spirit of Truth is free to perform …miracles. It bridges over difficulties and cements the forces of the soul into one perfect instrument of God for achieving the glory of God.” The key idea here is as we meditate, affirm, study, and seek God, a bridge forms back to our Christ Mind consciousness and we slowly experience the natural state of being of joy, harmony, and full love. This can be described as the “healing” of the soul and returning to the realization that we are each an expression of divinity returning to the awareness of who we are.
For most of us, we are living in a body that runs us, controls our thoughts, and experiences the daily rigors of the physical world. This is the unnatural state of being referred to in ‘A course of Love’ and has become our daily routine that we have accepted as who we are. We are told that there is a natural state of being that we can return to when we decide to accept that we are a “child of God” and learn the skills that will help us return to that state of joy and love.
Linda-Martella Whitsett, in her new book, ‘This Life is Yours’, helps us understand the bridge back to this natural state of being in the introduction. “Through healing, you can recover your whole Self, your enlightened Self….We believe You can heal yourself, no matter the circumstances. …You have within you the wisdom and strength to determine what will be best for you.”
There are many spiritual paths and ideas to follow. The key is to first accept that you really are Spirit in a body and then pursue the path that you feel will return you to the beautiful Christ consciousness that you are. This is the bridge that will take you back to your higher Spiritual Self and open up that joyful natural state of Love.