Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:1, “Judge not, that you not be judged.” In John 7:24 he says, “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement.” In John 8:15, when answering a question from the Pharisees, Jesus said, “You judge according to the flesh; but I judge no man.” These words of wisdom from our master teacher give us an answer for setting up a strategy in our spiritual path to return to the bosom of the Father and claim our birthright as children of God.
“Judge not that you not be judged.” Simple suggestion, difficult task. The Revealing Word Dictionary tells us that “Judgement is a faculty of mind that can be exercised in two ways—from sense perception (material) or spiritual understanding. If its actions are based on sense perceptions its conclusions are fallible and often condemnatory; if based on spiritual understanding, they are safe.”
“Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement,” is also explained in the Revealing Word Dictionary as not judging by what you see but looking only through the consciousness of your God given attributes. (Love, peace, joy, harmony and the gifts of Spirit.)
Finally, when Jesus was being berated and judged by the Pharisees for declaring his divinity, he responded with love by saying “You judge according to the flesh; but I judge no man.” Here he lives out the suggestions that he shared when laying out a spiritual path back to the Fathers House.
What we are looking at in today’s language is a regeneration of the conscious and subconscious minds. The databases of our actions, attitudes, outcomes in life, and the source of the quality of life that we are here to experience. This is a healing of the heart that is the source of our soul that is who we are. The heart is the subconscious mind and source of our conscious activities in the world we live in. What this spiritual program entails is changing back and regenerating this system of the heart/subconscious/conscious/mind to the original code of harmony joy and peace by overriding the corruption of the ego’s code through seeing, hearing and speaking only love. Knowing that everything we see, hear and speak is of the Christ mind and judging nothing or no one as anything other than Love. So on a spiritual path there is only love, joy and peace in our awareness.
In a real sense, we are asked to understand the Kingdom is within, we are co-creators and what we think about we create. So, everything we experience is of our own creation, so as we love and appreciate who we are, and accept our divinity, and stop judging things as right and wrong and love everything, we return to the understanding of the Jesus commandment: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart and all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.