The question of where is heaven has been one of the mysteries of life. Heaven has been used as a motivating issue to keep folks working toward goals established by religious orthodoxy, society and even political organizations (do this and someday you will be rewarded by going to heaven).
Jesus told us in Luke 17:21 very clearly that the Kingdom of Heaven is within. That means that heaven is here, right now within us. That place within us is our thoughts. The one thing that as far as we know distinguishes us from the other animals. This is the spark of Divinity that we are told resides within us and is actually the truth of who we are. This is the original program of happiness and harmony that is innate within each human in our world. We have forgotten our power as children of God.
Unfortunately, this program has been corrupted by what Paul called the carnal mind. We have been given free choice by our creator and over the ensuing years we have adopted the rules of the carnal mind (false self, ego) without knowing it. This has brought lack, disease, fear, and the other trials of current human existence into the world we experience. We work on solving these problems and follow the advice of others that are also caught in the trap of the ego.
Maybe the answer is really working on the root of the problem. Maybe it is unrealistic to use the rules of the ego to solve the problems created by the ego. Maybe it would be better to change the rules back to the rules of the energy that created us. Back to knowing that Divinity works through Love. Science tells us everything is energy. Everything we see is influenced by our thinking. Maybe it is just simple enough to send out the energy of love to everything and everyone we see, hear, and experience and celebrate the Divinity.
This week let’s see only good and maybe all things will change to good.