For a few days now, I have been wondering what to write about. What could I share with you and myself that would uplift us and keep us going through all the events and issues that are being presented to us each minute of the day? Just now I woke up and realized there has been a song that has been playing over and over in the back of my mind. Spirit has been answering my question, I just had to wake up and hear it. Many of us are familiar with that song. It is a popular Unity based song.
“I am free I am unlimited, there are no chains to bind me, I am free I am unlimited right now, right now.” That phrase is repeated three times in a recording that I listened to on Google. That is the answer that we are all realizing. We are already free, we are already unlimited, there is nothing to hold me back. Anything that holds me back is of my own making.
As a child of God, you/we are a direct descendant of the Ultimate Source of the Universe. You/we are complete and whole just as we are, right now today. We are already saved, nurtured and loved. If we are experiencing anything other than these states of being, we are the ones who have forgotten who we are and like the prodigal son, need to wake up and return to the Father.
I am aware that my ego mind has been playing all kinds of tricks on me this week. It has created a constant litany of how this is going to affect me, how soon am I going to get a check, how is the government going to affect me, and on and on.
The Truth is, I/you/we are free and unlimited. There is nothing to do except stare down the ego thoughts as illusions and delusions and know that we are children of God and all is well. None of these things affect me because I am a child of God, complete and whole just as I am, right now today.
We are already there. We are already accomplished. You already have the Spirit of creation within you. The road maps for life are already coded within your sacred DNA and we are guided and directed into successful outcomes in life. We are learning to let go and let the Father within do the work as instructed by our master teacher, Jesus the Christ. We are free, we are unlimited, there are no chains to bind us, right now!