One of the great mysteries that is addressed by Jesus is “who are we?” In His prayer for His followers recorded in John:17, He says, “O, holy Father, protect them in thy name which thou has given me, that they may be one, even as we are.”
The great spiritual teachers of history, have all made reference to the oneness of all beings, suggesting that we are all from one energy and one source. That we are all brothers and sisters of a divine being and all similar in our needs wants and issues of life.
In this wonderful prayer that Jesus shares, He asks that we understand our oneness with each other, and goes even farther by asking that we wake up to the Oneness we are with God. So, in the words of Jesus, we are one with all that is and we are one with the universe. This is actually the idea that I am god, interacting and in relationship with God. And that I am creating the world I experience at the same time you are creating the world you experience. The great cosmic wheel of events is spun by each of us living out the beliefs we hold in consciousness, making things right and wrong, good and bad, and making other judgments about the world we have unwittingly created. All the while, we could create a world of peace, love, abundance and joy by returning to the awareness of our God-selves, the original oneness that speaks only with the language of love.
It takes a new awareness, a new understanding, and a new way of thinking, that transcends the material world we have grown up in and conditioned by. It requires a spiritual focus with a language of love. This is the new birth that Jesus talked about, the glass (or mirror) that we see darkly through but then face to face, and the prodigal son’s return to the father.
Jesus tells us you cannot put new wine in old wine-skins. You cannot put new ideas into a system of old ideas. We have to start over again fresh and new. The Truth that Jesus was sharing in His many stories, was the fact that you are the light of the world, you are God showing up as God, you are holy and complete, you are sinless and perfect, you are forgiven because you have not sinned. All we have done is forget and lose track of who we are as children of God. All is well and it is time to come home to the Father within.