Research is being done by the Heart Math Institute showing powerful energies generated by the heart when it is in coherence. There is obviously a shift in our movement from relying on the mind and its intellectual capacity to learn and figure things out to the inner knowing that is available to us from the domain of the heart.
In Unity of Austin’s A Course of Love class, we read from chapter 32 this statement: “Now you can see that you need to look to a different source. That Source is Love, and is available in every situation but for the asking. What would love have me do? What would love have me see? What would love have me say?”
As we learn to integrate the wisdom of the heart into our thinking, we access the direct link to Holy Spirit that we are searching for on our spiritual path. When we call upon Love we are calling upon Source or Holy Spirit. This is the source of all knowing and guidance that we need to flourish and thrive in our world.
Jesus tells us in Luke 17:21 “…the kingdom of God is within you”. There is a place, an energy within us that we call the Christ. We access that inner place through prayer, meditation in the silence, and love.
Let’s take the time to nurture our heart area and consciously express love to ourselves and the world around us.