Happy New Year is an appropriate beginning to a newsletter in the last few days of the current year as we get ready to celebrate the turning of the calendar from 2022 to 2023. Just like any period of time, there are things to look back at and learn from and there are things to look forward to plan for and create expectations of doing better in the coming period of time.
Revelation 2:17 that says: “I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name is written, which no man knows except he who receives it.” The key to understanding this message is receiving a new name for the journey ahead as we allow the errors of the past to be forgiven and released and start anew on the spiritual path to realizing who we are. This is the first step that we take on our path back to the Fathers House and return to a Garden of Eden consciousness. When we accept and become awake to our Christ Self within, we have a new consciousness, a new life, a new name.
This New Earth and New Heaven that is referred to later in Revelations 21:1 is a spiritual event that takes place on a spiritual level that is difficult for the human mind to comprehend in the beginning. This state of being is available to all however, it requires a different approach to life and a sincere desire to return to the inner self that is who we really are.
We are all children of God. We have just lost our way in the human drama of struggle, lack and fear. We can rekindle the Spirit within us and return to the Father’s house that is already within. Join with us as we create a new name on the white stone and receive our new spiritual name of love, peace and joy on this New Year day.