We are told in Psalm 24:1, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell within.” Genesis 1:31 clearly tells us, “And God saw everything that he had made ….was very good.” So, we are led to understand that everything on the earth is of God and only good. This must mean that we are all of One energy and One spirit and that each of us is good. Taking this idea a little bit farther, we come to realization that everything we see, touch and experience is of divinity.
We are talking spiritual law here. Basically, whatever you praise and encourage, grows and enhances and whatever you criticize and condemn withers and diminishes. We know this as the law of attraction. The words and thoughts that we express have power to create what it is we are affirming. It is difficult to get our mind around the simple idea that we are expressions of divinity and as we speak and think, we are manifesting the very words that we are speaking into the ethers of the universe. These words and thoughts accumulate in the ethers and slowly take form in our world of experience.
In Luke 7:35 Jesus says, “Love your enemies and do good to them and lend and do not cut off any man’s hope.” In the next verse he says, “Judge not and you will not be judged; condemn not and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven.” These are all suggestions by Jesus, our master teacher that are shared with us to point us in the direction of how to lead a happy, harmonious, and productive life. Subtle reminders that we create our own world by our words, thoughts and actions.
Everyone we see is an expression of divinity. When we hold them in our spiritual vision as the perfect child of God that they are, we are encouraging the Higher Self that they are to come forth and at the same time, adding to our spiritual consciousness. When we see them as other than perfect, we are calling forth the ego side of them that has corrupted the wonderful child of God Self that is hidden in the mess.
Jesus tells us in John 17:21 as he was praying, “So that they also may be one; just as you, my Father, are with me, and I am with you, that they also may be one with us.” A step on the path to spiritual understanding, I believe, requires us to embrace the Oneness of life. The understanding that everything we see is of God and only good as described in Genesis 1:31.
Each living being is a perfect creation of divinity and has the spark of love somewhere within their soul no matter how they present themselves to the world. We are all divine beings acting out the programs that we have been presented with in our formative years. We are all seeking to find our way in the world and are acting out a script that is of the ego world and not the spiritual world. When we see only the divinity in each human being we see, we are reinforcing the spiritual thoughts within our consciousness and laying the groundwork for the Kingdom of Heaven right where we are. This is the awakening or second coming that is spoken of in the scripture.
Love, appreciate, nurture, forgive, see only the good. Pretty simple formula for life. We love you and see only the Christ Self within you. Please help us spread the good word. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. That’s a wonderful promise.