I can’t tell you how many times I have heard this title a different way. It sounds like this, “If it is to be it is up to me.” I can even confess to using this phrase in my own presentations and exhorting others to buckle down, become determined, and force things through to completion.
It has taken me awhile to understand that this discussion is the fine line between the struggle and suffering set up by the life view of the ego and the guidance, nurturing and ease of the spiritual world that Jesus shared with us in his teachings. Jesus spoke of worrying not, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us everything we need, the Father knows what we need before we ask, and the gate we have to go through to reach this state of being is narrow and requires work to understand it. (Matt. 6&7)
So, the promise is that this wonderful possibility of a heaven on earth is possible, however, we have to work to understand it and apply it in order to experience it.
I believe the key to this mystery is shared by Jesus in Mt 6: 30-33 when he tells us that worldly people (those under the influence of the ego) worry about food and clothing and other important things (cars, houses, fun) and create fear about how they can get them. Jesus then tells us not to worry and seek the Kingdom of God within us and all these things will be added to us.
It is the fears and belief in struggle that is shared with us from childhood that we need to let go. Our popular conversation in our spiritual world is to Let it go and let God. Do we really believe it and incorporate it into our daily outlook on life?
This is why I now believe and trust that the Christ Mind that I am and we are is the trusted guidance, love and nurturer that I turn to when I start thinking (again and again) that it is up to me. Our spiritual path is letting go of the old and allowing the Higher, True Self that we are handle the details.
Join with us as we continue the path through the narrow door to the promises of our master teacher, the Christ Within.