Today we look at the creation story as told in the first book of the Bible, Genesis 1. The first chapter begins: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and at the end of the first chapter, God saw everything that He had made and indeed, it was very good.
In this dialogue, there is not even a hint of the struggle, suffering, and other challenges that we face in our current world experience. The wording in Genesis tells us that there was nothing (a void) in the beginning and everything that God created was good so where did the problems come from if God didn’t create them in the beginning?
When we dig into the story, we are reminded that God gave us the power to name everything we experience in our world and we acquired the knowledge of good and evil through eating (or partaking) of the forbidden fruit. So, we have the ability to call things what we believe they are and we have the ability to choose between good and evil or in our metaphysical understanding, the ability to create and experience love or fear.
When we add to this to our ability to create our world from the thoughts, beliefs and actions that occur within our consciousness, we can see that we, humankind, have created the world we live in. God created a perfect world for us to live in and through our own desire to do things our way we have miscreated a world of chaos and turmoil.
That original Garden of Eden is still there in the background of our consciousness. This is the whole idea behind the story of the prodigal son shared by Jesus. There is a memory of our perfect life centered in love and harmony deep within our subconscious mind. It is up to us to wake up to that story of love and harmony and return to the Father’s house. This is the spiritual path that is open to us through prayer, meditation, affirmation and study.
This was the message that Jesus shared when He told us, we are the light of the world, these things I do you shall do, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom, do not worry, everything is provided, etc. etc. etc.
Basically, we are being told to wake up, change our thinking and trust the Father (God within) to take care of things. This is an amazing promise that is repeated over and over again in our scripture. We are the ones that have to accept this idea and put it into practice.
If we want to change things for the better we have to change what we think and do to the better. It is really as simple as that. The question then becomes, am I willing to change my thoughts and actions to correspond with the lifestyle I want?
It’s our choice. God didn’t create our problems, maybe we did? If so, we can un-create things by un-creating our thinking and attitudes that caused the world we have created. God loves us and is waiting for our return to the Garden (NOW).