This phrase is the opening phrase in John 1:1 in the New Testament. And the verse ends, “and God was that word.” We, as human beings have named, catalogued, filed and defined everything in our world with words to describe what we see. Any time a new species or star or town is recognized, it is named and recorded in some sort of official record and that is how it is identified for posterity. When a child is born, the parents go through the ritual of naming the new baby, which is then recorded in an official birth registry and becomes the word that the child is identified with for life.
Everything has a name that allows us the ability to even have a conversation with another human being about life and our respective experiences with people, events and situations. These conversations require words to create pictures in our minds to transmit what we are trying to say. No matter how we look at it, words have meanings and are created from a first cause that is needed to identify something that is new to our experience. Words create pictures in our minds that allow us to think and identify ideas with what we see in the world.
The last part of the verse tells us that God was the word. Another way of saying this might be: God is the Mind that thinks through us and gives us original words to identify the world we experience, no matter what language we are speaking.
1 Cor.3:16 tells us that we are the Temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells within us. So, we are creators of our own world through the words that we think and speak as an expression of divinity. This lends credence to the motto that “thoughts in mind produce in kind.” And the Bible quotation that says “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”
Bottom line, it appears that words mean things and their meaning is duplicated and formed in our experience of the reality of life. We are in this together as we are all part of a family, we call humanity. A family that thinks random thoughts of all kinds that are amalgamated as one causative energy that produces our experience of life.
We can change our personal experience of life by changing the words we use to words of love, peace and joy. This is the spiritual path that we are learning as we overcome the energy burden created by the accumulated thoughts of the ego’s world. God is good and all is well are our new words of the day!