What a fascinating idea. The utter simplicity of it has had me pondering why we make the spiritual journey so complicated and spend so much time investigating and checking out the latest guru’s teaching. Maybe the ego has created a trap for us to fail in our journey without knowing it.
God is, I am, and all is well is the simple truth of life. We are created in the image of God, we are programmed to thrive in the world we live in, and God is still present. So, everything we experience is of God. Or God is, everything is perfect. If anything does not appear perfect to our human senses, then it is not God and has been created by a false self, masquerading as God or the ego.
We live in a dual experience of life. Science has determined that we have the brain in our skull that runs the body and manages our perception of and interactions with life. They have also identified a mini brain that resides within the heart region that appears to bring us the spiritual understanding that guides us into the life experience promised by Jesus and outlined in the Garden of Eden story. The outcomes in our lives are determined by the struggle that takes place between the two brains. Which one wins? Which one runs our life? Which one determines how our life unfolds?
Jesus gives us a hint in Matt. 11:25 when He tells us that the easy key to life is hidden from the wise and the men of understanding and has revealed them to children. It is a simple process of learning how to open our hearts and integrate the heart energy with the brain which “A Course of Love” identifies as becoming “wholehearted”.
The simple idea that God is, and I am is the key for success on the spiritual path. God is real. God is the Universe. God is the life that I am experiencing. I am an expression of God working from my heart brain, bringing in the blessings of the universe. As Jesus said, I and the Father are One. You, me, and the Universe are One.
We love you and know that we are One on a journey returning to our spiritual home, right here within us. We are learning to access the programs for good in the heart brain and become more wholehearted in our approach to the material lives we are experiencing.