For years the great thinkers of the world have presented this question and then tried to answer it in many ways. “Why are we here?” Maybe the answer to that question is answered rather openly in the sayings, stories and teachings of Jesus. We might just need to look at his words with different eyes and ears.
We might want to look at a few words from Jesus to get us thinking. When he was accused of blasphemy by the Jews, he said in John 10:34, “Is it not written in your law that ye are gods?” This was clearly to me a reference to the universal idea that we are all expressions of divinity. Rather shocking and controversial.
In John 14:12 Jesus tells us “He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also…” again making a reference to our individual and universal expression as a representative of divinity.
Maybe the simple message of Jesus was to tell us that we had forgotten who we really are and have been asleep to the wonderful truth of our divinity. Maybe we are here to wake up to that wonderful truth and learn how to act as expressions of divinity and start creating a world of love, peace, abundance, joy, and health. Unfortunately, since we have forgotten how to create a world of love, we are living in a dream world of hate, war, anger and the other aspects of negativity.
The time has come to wake up to our divine selves and create the world of love we are here to facilitate.
Join us as we create the new world.