Jesus tells us in John 4:24 that God is Spirit, and we must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. This brings up the question of what is the language to use for Spirit and how do we use that language to communicate on an intimate level with the Divine?
Jesus gives us a hint in Matt. 15:11 when he tells a group “It is not what enters into the mouth which defiles a person; but what comes out of the mouth, that is what defiles a person.” He goes on in Matt. 15:18 to explain, “What comes out of the mouth comes out from the heart and that is what defiles the person.” So, it is the words that we think and speak that matter in our spiritual walk. There are spiritual words that edify and uplift and there are evil words that criticize, condemn and destroy.
The conundrum comes when we realize that the material world is set up for competition, struggle and the comparisons and we are hard wired to judge, criticize, complain and blame others for any shortcomings we experience. It is always someone else’s fault and we have to blame them for our problems. Because of this training from the ego, we are already cutoff from the spiritual walk that we are looking to learn. This is where the rubber meets the road so to speak. Are we willing to admit that the way we have been living life has not been productive and fulfilling? Are we willing to learn the language of Spirit and speak only words of love and blessing? The answer to that question and our commitment to the answer will determine the spiritual outcomes in our life.
In our Sunday message we will explore this shift in attitude that a spiritual path requires and maybe even look at some of the language that will be required for the spiritual outcomes in life that we are promised by Jesus. The path is there. The question becomes: are we willing to follow the path as outlined by Jesus or are we going to follow the false path set up by the ego? We have been given free will by our creator. Which path do we choose?