The opening paragraph to ‘A Course of Love’ (ACOL), chapter five states that “The Christ in you is wholly human and wholly divine. As the wholly divine, nothing is unknown. As the wholly human, everything has been forgotten.” So it is clear that our purpose for being here is to reunite our wholly human self with the wholly divine higher Self or the Christ within us.
The irony of this journey of returning to our Christ Self is that the road map is already laid out within us. Since we are wholly human and wholly divine, there is a part of us that knows how to embrace the divinity that we already are. We have just forgotten about it in the mists of the ego’s storms of fear, uncertainty and doubt. We then set up to combat the suffering and struggle in life forgetting that Jesus has reminded us that “it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom” and the Kingdom of Heaven is within.
The course reminds us that we return to the Father’s house through union and relationship with the divine. Since we are already wholly divine and wholly human there is a part of us that already knows how to do this. There is nothing that we must learn and nothing that anyone can teach us. There is only remembering or waking up to things that we already know.
The divine is everywhere present. We say that we are all One energy and that energy we call God. If we believe that then it would behoove us to develop a relationship with all of the entities that surround us and support us in our everyday world.
The World has changed and we are entering a new era of consciousness. Behold things are new and we are being pressured to find new ways of doing things and thriving in life. Things that create harmony, love, understanding and peace. These new things occur through relationship and love. Our path is not in learning new things from teachers, but in following the inner guide to the knowing that is already within in that divine part of us, and all of our brothers and sisters, that is waiting for us to discover.